May 3, 2024

A Monthly House Cleaning Checklist That Will Make Your Life Easier

5 min read
House Cleaning

Let me guess — your home is always a mess. But you’re far too busy to clean it every day, and cleaning all-in-one marathon sessions isn’t fun for anyone. Between work and family, it may feel like you barely have a moment to catch your breath in between errands and grocery store trips. That’s where monthly house cleaning checklists come in, which is so appealing. Following a monthly cleaning checklist with a comprehensive to-do list will ease your life consistently.

What You Need To Clean Your House Once A Month

The key to keeping a clean and tidy house is to have a checklist of tasks that you can complete each month. This monthly cleaning schedule includes weekly, biweekly, and monthly routines that will help you stay on top of your home maintenance. You can use a monthly house cleaning checklist to keep your house clean, organized, and clutter-free.  

Some chores need to be done once a month to keep your home in pristine condition. Be sure to customize your cleaning schedule to fit your needs. Also apply this monthly cleaning schedule to your cleaning service providers. 

Hard to reach surfaces

Hard-to-reach surfaces are the best places for dirt to accumulate: for example, top of refrigerator and top of cabinets. They are often left neglected. We use the refrigerator and cabinets daily but rarely think about their cleaning. Clean them once a month to keep them in working condition. 

Behind and under furniture

This is where dust and dirt accumulate. Deeply clean all the hard-to-reach surfaces.

Clean ceiling fans

Dirt and debris tend to accumulate on ceiling fans. Cover all the furniture and floor under the fan with an old cloth sheet. Remove dust with a duster/ Use cleaning detergent with warm water; it can easily remove the dust from the ceiling fan.

Dust Light Fixtures

Light fixtures become dust collectors if not cleaned properly. Regularly cleaning light fixtures can make your room shine better. Use a soft cloth to remove dust from light fixtures.

Clean and wash walls

Walls and considered to be the most neglected part of the home. Walls get exposed to common irritants of daily life such as smoke, pet paws, dirt, grease, and dust. To clean your walls, you can use dish detergent and vinegar. Use this mixture to scrub the stains from your wall gently.

Clean Air Vents

You may not pay extra attention to air vents, but they can gather dust quickly around the vents and wall areas. It is necessary to dust air vents monthly to prevent dust from blowing into your room. Wipe down all the air vents and surrounding walls to clean all the dust.

Clean window

Over time, pollution and grime gather slowly but surely on your windows, blocking your sunlight and view. To keep your view clear:

  1. Clean your windows every month.
  2. Sweep dirt from the window frame with a duster and wash it with hot water and a soft brush.
  3. While cleaning, wipe down one side of the window horizontally and the other vertically.

Wash and clean curtains and blinds

Blinds and curtains attract more dust, and they need to be washed, cleaned, or dusted monthly. Clean your window treatment carefully.

Intense dusting

Besides the daily and weekly dusting, your house needs a thorough and detailed monthly dusting. This is the time to dust all hard-to-reach areas like the top of cabinets, the fridge, ceiling fans, and baseboards. Don’t forget to dust doorknobs and light fixtures.

Clean carpets

Carpets add taste, style, and texture to your home, but daily use can cause stains and accumulate dirt and grime. Vacuum the carpet regularly, but pay a little more attention to extend its life span. Entire carpet back to back in one direction. Vacuum slowly and go on high traffic areas several times. To remove stubborn stains, use a mixture of warm water and vinegar.  

Dust all furniture

Deep clean Appliances

Appliances needed to be clean at least once a month to regain their original glory. Deep cleaning your kitchen appliances is not important for a clean and fresh-smelling kitchen, but it also helps maintain them and keep them working properly.

  • Clean over
  • Deep clean refrigerator
  • Clean and scrub dishwasher

Use an eco-friendly detergent to remove stains from the appliances, and use a soft cloth gently.

Inside the closet

People don’t clean and organize their closets despite transferring clothes from here to there. But it is essential to clean the clothing rod and shelves once a month to remove all the dust.

Disinfect all trash cans

You should wipe down the inside and outside of the trash can. Remove all the trash from the can. Scrub with a cleaning detergent. Allow it to air dry and disinfect it with anti-septic.

Clean and disinfect toilets

Toilets are the most used part of the home. So they need a thorough clean-up every month. Clean your toilet to prevent you and your loved ones from germs. Apply toilet cleaner to the bowl and allow it to soak. Scrub a sponge to clean the exterior of the toilets. Once the exterior is clean, use a toilet brush to clean the bowl.

Sweep and vacuum all floors

Sweeping the floor is a simple way to keep your home clean. No matter how clean you are, it’s a sad truth of life that your floors, rugs, and carpets get dirty. To get rid of dust, mop it, and if the floor is hardwood, you can wash it with water.

Wipe down and clean inside your kitchen cabinets

You may mop your kitchen floor regularly, but your kitchen cabinets don’t get the attention they deserve. Kitchen cabinets collect dust, splatters, grease, and other cooking residues. Over time this mixture sticks to cabinets’ surfaces like a tacky glue that can be difficult to remove. Unclean kitchen cabinets are dangerous for health too. Clean them once a month. Deep clean interior and exterior of your cabinets. Remove all items from your cabinets. Remove all shelves and drawers from inside cabinets. Clean all the shelves and let everything dry before putting it back together.

To wrap up

Taking care of your home doesn’t have to be a huge hassle. Creating a monthly cleaning checklist means you never have to worry about forgetting something or getting overzealous. It’s a great way to stay on top of your cleaning and always feel confident you know exactly what needs to be done!

If you think you can’t do it yourself, you can always ask for professional help. An expert house cleaning company can promptly clean your house from top to bottom regularly, weekly, or monthly.

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